A High School Kid Did a “La La Land” Parody to Ask Emma Stone to the Prom

Time to step up your game CNY! I want to see a high school in our area do this!

A high school kid from Scottsdale, Arizona made one of those celebrity promposal videos, and he really went all out.  17-year-old Jacob Staudenmaier wants to take EMMA STONE to his prom.

And since he bears a SLIGHT resemblance to RYAN GOSLING, he went full-on “La La Land”.  He rewrote the lyrics to “Another Day of Sun”, and his friends brought their cars out to help him recreate the scene.

Jacob’s prom is on the 29th of this month, so he’s only giving Emma a few weeks’ notice.  But the video’s going viral, and he says he’s heard that Emma’s MOTHER has seen it.  So there’s a good chance Emma will, too


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