Category Archives: Blog – 93Q Rick Roberts Blog

Some Proven Benefits of Being Single

Some Proven Benefits of Being Single

Even though it’s a bummer on Valentine’s Day, here are three scientifically proven benefits of being single:  You have more friends that are also more supportive.  You exercise more and stay in better shape.  And single people have more alone time, which can make you more productive.MORE

Hundreds of Students Sing the National Anthem in a Hotel Lobby

Hundreds of Students Sing the National Anthem in a Hotel Lobby

A video has gone viral of some 650 choir students in Louisville, Kentucky singing the “Star-Spangled Banner” off of balconies in the middle of a hotel.  Because they’re in an atrium, the acoustics make it sound even more amazing. The students are part of Kentucky’s All-State Choir and they’re all staying in the same hotel.  The “hallway…MORE


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