Category Archives: Blog – 93Q Rick Roberts Blog

A Study Finds the Foods That Make You Smell More Attractive to Women

A Study Finds the Foods That Make You Smell More Attractive to Women

A new study out of Australia found that men who eat fruits and vegetables smell better to women than men who eat a lot of processed or refined carbs. And since smell is a HUGE part of attraction, it’s a pretty good idea to make sure your body odor is as appealing as possible.MORE

Things You Should Never Do to Your Eyes

Things You Should Never Do to Your Eyes

Here are a few things you should never do to your eyes:  Don’t skip the eye doctor for years on end, because they can catch things like broken blood vessels and tumors.  Don’t wear eyeliner to bed, because it can cause a stye.  And don’t use Visine every day, because it makes you more prone…MORE


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