There are certain words that used to make you sound young, but can make you sound OLD now because young people don’t use them as much. A few you might want to use less are “cool,” “totally,” “sweet,” “bummer,” and “awesome.”… MORE
There are certain words that used to make you sound young, but can make you sound OLD now because young people don’t use them as much. A few you might want to use less are “cool,” “totally,” “sweet,” “bummer,” and “awesome.”… MORE
This is my pick for Monday, June 19th! – Rick R.… MORE
If you want to be, quote, “perfectly happy,” you should sleep for exactly seven hours and six minutes, according to a new survey. And if you sleep for anything less than six hours and 48 minutes, expect to be miserable.… MORE
This is my pick for Friday, June 16th! – Rick R.… MORE
10-1… MORE
This is my pick for Thursday, June 15th! – Rick R.… MORE
There’s a very sweet video of a guy who interviewed his daughter every year on the first day of school. It starts with first grade and goes through 12th grade.… MORE
This is my pick for Wednesday, June 14th! – Rick R.… MORE
This is my pick for Tuesday, June 13th! – Rick R. ****EXPLICIT LYRICS!!!!****… MORE