Category Archives: Blog – 93Q Rick Roberts Blog

Wearing Red Doesn’t Actually Make You Sexier

Wearing Red Doesn’t Actually Make You Sexier

A new study out of the University of Rochester proved that wearing RED doesn’t actually make you look sexier.  They found that neither men nor women were more attracted to someone in red than any other colors. So why do people think red is better?  The researchers say some old studies have tried to make…MORE

Stupid Mother’s Day Photo: Mom Loves to Eat What?

Stupid Mother’s Day Photo: Mom Loves to Eat What?

There’s a picture going viral right now of a first grader’s responses on a project called “All About My Mom.”  Because on the line where the kid was supposed to write their mom’s favorite food, the response was P-E-N-U-S. According to the teacher, the kid meant “peanuts.”MORE


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