****EXPLICIT LANGUAGE!!!**** 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.… MORE
****EXPLICIT LANGUAGE!!!**** 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.… MORE
Fifth Harmony’s statement…… pic.twitter.com/YlWylsw5uE — Fifth Harmony (@FifthHarmony) December 19, 2016 Camila’s statement…. pic.twitter.com/e35U3tcTQ8 — Camila Cabello (@camilacabello97) December 19, 2016 Camila Cabello is ending 2016 strong with her collaboration with Machine Gun Kelly… MORE
10-1… MORE
A guy who makes fart noises with his hands just WON “Finland’s Got Talent” over the weekend. Yes you read that right.… MORE
Apparently she made out with Michael Jackson.… MORE
This is my pick for Wednesday, December 7th! – Rick R.… MORE
Not an easy gig but someone has to do it! 🙂… MORE
This is my pick for Tuesday, December 6th! – Rick R.… MORE
A bunch of people wrecked on an icy hill in Montreal yesterday. Once they started driving down it, they couldn’t stop. But check out how bad it was. Luckily no one was seriously hurt.… MORE
Beyonce has 9 nominations, followed by Drake, Rihanna, and Kanye West with 8 each. Billboard has the complete list. Rihanna’s “WORK” w/Drake is up for “Record Of The Year”… MORE