“My first performances were in dive bars,” singer says. “[This] is such an exciting way to connect with my fans and share this music with them”… MORE
“My first performances were in dive bars,” singer says. “[This] is such an exciting way to connect with my fans and share this music with them”… MORE
10-1 right here….… MORE
Like…”You Can’t Convince Kids To Dress Up In A Costume That’s Actually Available” – TRUTH! – Rick R.… MORE
A lot of changes this week! 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.… MORE
Wow….his moves are impressive! He’s like the 6th member!… MORE
This looks awesome! He is SO GOOD live! – Rick R.… MORE
Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, and more….… MORE
And that’s not all….12 bags of clothes??!! Good for him! – Rick R.… MORE
A four-year-old girl in Wisconsin has been waiting for a kidney transplant for about a year. Then her preschool teacher found out SHE was a match . . . offered to be the donor earlier this month . . . and the surgery is set for early next year.… MORE